Leil, A., A. El-Shamy, A., D.A., E. (2020). Clinical Application Of Intrauterine Laparoscopic Insemination In Zaraiby Goats Using Different Concentrations Of Zaraiby And Boer Bucks’ Frozen Semen. Journal of Applied Veterinary Sciences, 5(4), 61-67. doi: 10.21608/javs.2020.118167
Amal Z Leil; Ayat A. El-Shamy; El-Badry D.A.. "Clinical Application Of Intrauterine Laparoscopic Insemination In Zaraiby Goats Using Different Concentrations Of Zaraiby And Boer Bucks’ Frozen Semen". Journal of Applied Veterinary Sciences, 5, 4, 2020, 61-67. doi: 10.21608/javs.2020.118167
Leil, A., A. El-Shamy, A., D.A., E. (2020). 'Clinical Application Of Intrauterine Laparoscopic Insemination In Zaraiby Goats Using Different Concentrations Of Zaraiby And Boer Bucks’ Frozen Semen', Journal of Applied Veterinary Sciences, 5(4), pp. 61-67. doi: 10.21608/javs.2020.118167
Leil, A., A. El-Shamy, A., D.A., E. Clinical Application Of Intrauterine Laparoscopic Insemination In Zaraiby Goats Using Different Concentrations Of Zaraiby And Boer Bucks’ Frozen Semen. Journal of Applied Veterinary Sciences, 2020; 5(4): 61-67. doi: 10.21608/javs.2020.118167
Clinical Application Of Intrauterine Laparoscopic Insemination In Zaraiby Goats Using Different Concentrations Of Zaraiby And Boer Bucks’ Frozen Semen
1Department of Field Investigation, Animal Reproduction Research Institute, Agriculture Research Center (ARC), Giza, Egypt
2Artificial Insemination and Embryo Transfer Dept., Animal Reproduction Research Institute, Agriculture Research Center, Giza, Egypt.
3Dept. Artificial Insemination and Embryo Transfer, Animal Reproduction Research Institute, Agriculture Research Center. Giza, Egypt
Receive Date: 16 September 2020,
Revise Date: 04 October 2020,
Accept Date: 08 October 2020
This study aimed to determine the proper sperm dose per laparoscopic intrauterine insemination (LAI) in Zaraiby goats. Thirty-six Zaraiby goats, two Zaraiby and two Boer bucks were used in the study. Does were divided into six groups; the first three groups were inseminated laparoscopically with frozen-thawed Zaraiby semen either at doses of 10 x 106 (GP1), 20 x 106 (GP 2), or 40 x 106 (GP 3). The other three groups were inseminated with Boer semen's same doses (GP 4, 5 &6). Results showed that goats laparoscopically inseminated with 20 x 106 Zaraiby spermatozoa or 10 x 106 Boer sperm cells both had the highest (P ≤0.05) pregnancy rate (about 70% & 60%, respectively). The multiple birth rate in goats inseminated by Boer buck’s spermatozoa were generally higher than those inseminated with Zaraiby buck’s spermatozoa (66.67 to 100.00% vs. 25.00 to 40.00%, respectively). In conclusion, the LAI is an efficient means of achieving high fertilization rates in goats. The recommended minimum necessary dose for laparoscopic artificial insemination in Zaraiby is 10 ×106 and 20×106 motile Boer and Zaraiby buck’s spermatozoa, respectively.
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